Why is everyone confident in YAP's victory?

On September 1st, parliamentary elections will be held in Azerbaijan, and the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) is widely expected to secure a decisive victory. This prediction is so strong and confident that even before the ruling party announces its candidates, other parties and independent candidates hesitate to choose electoral districts. Sometimes, this prediction even fuels the narrative that "everything is predetermined," turning into a tool for political manipulation. However, the most evident reality is that the New Azerbaijan Party possesses a formidable team, structures, and resources, ensuring that no opposition party or extra-system political group can compete with it within Azerbaijan's political system.

The primary reasons for the New Azerbaijan Party's anticipated victory in the upcoming parliamentary elections can be explained by several critical factors:

1. Economic Stability and Development

YAP's long-term governance has ensured economic stability in the country, leading to significant infrastructure projects and maintaining dynamic macroeconomic indicators. This success story plays a positive role in the country's economic development and remains a vital factor for voters.

2. Influence in Regional and International Politics

YAP's ability to strengthen Azerbaijan's influence on the regional and international stage, while staunchly defending the country's political and economic interests, has garnered strong electoral support. The multi-vector foreign policy pursued by YAP has turned Azerbaijan into a key strategic player in the region and played a significant role in securing the country's independence and sovereignty. The successful management of Azerbaijan's energy policy, participation in large international projects, development of strategic partnerships, and active involvement in regional cooperation formats have all been crucial in increasing YAP's support among voters. This policy has not only enhanced the country's economic power but also ensured that Azerbaijan is recognized as a reliable partner on the international stage.

3. Strong Organizational Structure and Mass Membership Base

YAP's extensive organizational network and mass membership base across the country provide it with a considerable advantage in elections. The party's strong presence in every region, city, and village, and its close connection with voters, ensure YAP's success in the electoral process.

4. Improvement of Social Welfare

The social policies implemented by YAP, including wage increases, pension reforms, social assistance programs, and other welfare measures, have strengthened support for the party among a broad segment of the electorate. These policies, aimed at ensuring social justice, are particularly appealing to a significant portion of the electorate.

5. Weakness and Fragmentation of the Opposition

The weakness, fragmentation, and lack of unified action among opposition parties in Azerbaijan are factors that facilitate YAP's victory in elections. The opposition's inability to present a single candidate or a strong alternative and their failure to put forward concrete programs contribute to the expansion of YAP's voter base.

6. Increasing Public Support

As the ruling party, YAP has undertaken various programs and initiatives to gain the support of the younger generation. Reforms in education, employment, and social support have increased interest in the party among young voters, contributing to its advantage in elections.

7. Historical Victory

YAP's historical success in resolving the Karabakh issue, restoring Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, liberating occupied lands, and opening the prospect of returning internally displaced persons to their homes has earned the party widespread support among voters. The victory achieved by Azerbaijan in the 2020 Patriotic War has elevated YAP's political stature, making it one of the primary factors behind the party's expected electoral success. The continued reconstruction efforts in Karabakh, the peace process, and the socio-economic development of these regions play a central role in YAP's election campaign and are strongly supported by the electorate.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: The Leadership of President Ilham Aliyev

YAP is the party established by National Leader Heydar Aliyev, who saved Azerbaijan's state independence. It is the only organization that has maintained its unity after the passing of its founding leader. In the opposition parties that stood against former President Heydar Aliyev, however, a different process occurred, and they fragmented. Ilham Aliyev, after being elected as the chairman of YAP, not only preserved but also renewed and expanded the ruling political organization. President Ilham Aliyev's exemplary political leadership and his high reputation both domestically and internationally are fundamental factors ensuring YAP's victory in the elections. President Aliyev's political course and governance experience continuously enhance the party's potential for victory.

All these factors ensure that the New Azerbaijan Party maintains the highest likelihood of winning the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The broad support of voters for YAP and the party's governance experience are the key factors in its electoral success.

Taleh Şahsuvarlı,
Editor-in-Chief of AzNews.az Analytical-Information Portal